
paire de l'année 2006 en Angleterre
On Skye…

Skyes On Skye…
When everything begins with a gift… The gift of a
Skye commemorative badge "Skyes on Skye 2006"… The idea made its way,
matures… We will go there as visitors, and the crazy idea to think that we
could also take part of the adventure as exhibitors... Six years, we
have to wait six years to have the pleasure to live this great adventure.
France, my country, doesn’t really believe in me, or rather doesn’t believe
really in my dogs, I decide to go somewhere else, further, in the land’s
Skyes to have the confirmation that I am on the right way. Lost among 85
registered, it will be necessary that I give all I have in me if I want to
prove to all those who believe in me that I have my place as breeder. I
also want to make honor to my country, the country which gave to the
world its best Skye Terrier breeding bases as "Ricelaine", "Mandane," "
Neuville Mousseaux "," De Luchar "and remind to everybody that France, one
day was the best… The heart beats, we count the months, years, we
count each day… Here we are finally, we can’t go in back, we are going
to win, we must… For this challenge, we chose our best dogs, or our best
showy dogs: Roxane for her good mentality and her great pride, Vici the
grand-father successor, Lily, our last baby, and of course, Viceroy "Roy" for
friends (13 years) that we wanted to provide a last turn of honor… The
day of the exhibition, we were feverish, paralyzed by stress. Stress even, if
we had honestly no special ambition and it was clear, it was clear that we
were here to defend the colors of our country, point… We received the
famous catalog… 85 Skyes engaged with 14 dogs in open class, our small
Roxane, Margotte and Säshkä will have to be very good to support all
this competition... I meet my friend and American Judge Gene
SAPHIRIS. It’s a very person. He plans to mate her beautiful bitch with
our Roy. It puts Roy on the table, As if he wants to confirm the first impression he
had when he saw Roy for the first time... wanted to have the
assurance that the dog he had seen at CRUFT, was not a mirage. He
confirmed his first impression. “Gorgious” he said…
It's our little Vici that
will open the show. Shown,by his owner, very proud of this honor. My little
23 months son which work proudly on the famous ring of the Isle of Skye....
Vici is so beautiful, and I’m so proud of him… It will be shown in three
Different classes, as in England, you can compete in every class that the
age of the dog you allows if you wish. Oops, it starts badly, The judge put
it second of the class, it’s so hard for me that I feel my eyes becoming
wet, I don’t like at all the first one.. Why? Gene watches me; He looks
surprised, too… Second Price, an award, a paper of judgment and a gift…
But I’m disappointed, Philippe gives me all the awards, he has to go back
in the ring for the second jugement. No time to blow... I screamed of
Joyce. First, I don’t want more. I want him to stop on this victory but
That was not the opinion of the organizing committee, I understand that I
have to compete again. A beautiful class of older dogs...I am afraid,
I panic... I bite my fingers nervously. Second, ouf, not too bad, I am
still happy and another award, another paper of jugement and some another
gifts… So, here we are. Roy, I would show him, it is my dog, and I am so
proud… Max is here with his camera as the greatest reporters, Gene, is there
too, on the first lines. They smile me, they reassure me… They can feel my
emotion. My dog is a star. I think I’m going to fall… My hand are wet, my
face might be red, my legs seems to be so fragile, a lot of stress in
fact... I would like to go… The bagpipe sounds, it's time to go. I start
to move with a decided step . People rhythm the entry of veterans in clapping
in their hands. I look at my dog. It is impassive, walking with a
decided step, it is so beautiful, I love it so much… "How old is it?
"Nearly thirteen years” answered I to the judge, she looks at me impressed,
she smiled… A go and return, a triangle… I put my dog on the floor, I
take time to kiss him and say " Go on, my son, shows them”, Roy starts
go like a soldier, he knows his works, perfectly, by
heart. A very nice
class of six veterans. They walk one after the other, they walk again
and again. She wants to see everything even at thirteen years :
hindquarters and forequarters quality, Topline quality, Endurance. I am a
little scared, I know that Roy is already an old person, "my son" and… in a
breath, I hear to call me "number 19 winner."
I put my dog
in static, I cry, tears of Joy run through my cheeks, a swarm of
photographers jumped on us to take a maximum of pictures of my dog...
and begins taking shot after shot during an eternity. I hide my head in
his fur "We’ve got it, my Roy, thank you, my dog, I love you "An enormous
packet of veteran dry food, an award, a bottle of wine, a little glass
in crystal glass with a Skye sculpted on it… I Can’t move, I am paralyzed by
emotion. Laurent come to my rescue it take gifts and take me out of
the ring… I find the strength to return. Roy is engaged in the super
"Vintage" veteran class. The public claps in its hands more and more, its
little hero Despite their valiant age… I wait on a side. The judge must
see the other dogs she didn’t see before. After, the judge asks us to turn
and walk together. Roy, you can do it. It’s tired. I feel the leads becoming
harder. I’m afraid… the judge has made his choice " Number 19 is
the winner "
I cry again But I am so proud
of my old dog…
I can’t leave this ring, I have to stay to compete another time. We need
to compete with all The winners of each class to know who will obtain the
dreaming CC which gives access to the title of Champion of England. Vici
is one of them. The father and its son in challenge together… She keeps
only three dogs. The junior, the veteran and the Open. My Vici goes out, but
I am proud of him… She let the junior and has to make a choice between
the open and the Veteran. Roy has a second wind, he walk with a very
alert step … She hesitates. My heart beat so strong… Roy is second with the
Reserve of CC, unbelievable for a thirteen years old dog… She confessed at the
microphone, that the two dogs were the same value, but that one belonged to
the future and the other belonged to the past is… Cruel but true… It is
the turn of my Lily… My little soldier, its second show. She looks
afraid. She is so young, there are too many people... she walks courageously
against a drop ears. A bitch of a type radically opposed. Mine is
a fragile small thing but it is admirably good. A second place for Lily,
which is fine, I am pleased… I have to go with Roxane. Roxane, it is showy.
It's in the blood. It is not to her advantage, his time. She is at the
end of her seasons, she is a little bit tired… This is not the good period
for it… An impressive class, composed only with champions… 14 dogs in
total… I think I’m not helped by all this circumstances. My Bitch is not at
her top… The judge makes a First selection. She keep my dog, forward. "I?
", It's marvelous, , Roxane is also selected… She obtains the 4e place with a
I am delighted… everything is finished?not really… We have maybe
to compete for the BIS... If the male CC wins on the female, I return
for RBIS with… ROY Roy is tired, he drags its legs, it doesn’t want to
go back for the final but he gives me its last effort, he follows me… 3rd
of the BIS… Well, everything is OK for me…. He has to return again to
compete for the Best veteran. I am returning Without hope. My dog is
very tired, it is late, he wants to sleep. He shows its tiredness.
He doesn’t want some noise anymore… but... another time, a turn, a
triangle. The Best Veteran? The number 19, of course... It wins
an enormous award, a Crystal engraved vase with Skyes and a giant bag of dry
food, another one!!!… Roy, you must go on to compete for the… Best
Vintage, and I promise you that after I leave you to sleep And…
again and again, we walk… He is walking graciously, it is so wonderful,
I thought he understood that it is important for me and he wants to give
me this pleasure... The winner of the Best Vintage? The number 19… and
my dog disappear under… gifts. I ear the noise of cameras and flashes ,
it is so beautiful… t goes for the last honneur turn, the people
stand up, Clapping in their hands, I am so proud… Another final turn on this ring and it
will be the end of the dream… Our beautiful Roy must compete in pairs
with his daughter Roxane. I take two leads. Not easy, walking in rythme
with two dogs… My couple is successful, dogs are homogeneous, they walk
together absolutely in harmony… I won this class also…. What a lot of
emotions… Go outside for the final photo. There's even a
Finnish journalist who takes a lot of pictures of our Roy. It will be an
hero in its origin country… I want to remind you in on word the fabulous
story of this dog, whose life has not really started a dream...Roy comes
back from the hell. Saved from the death in Spain, in 2000, with 7 other
Skyes, it took me two years of intensive care, attentions, love, to
arrive to this result of today. I must remind the assistance
provided by Michelle Maitre, another Skye breeder, who helped me to
stop with the help of Her husband, a chronic eczema… We saved all these 7
dogs, only one of them, Whimzy, didn’t survived … Our fight against all
these horrors much be more important than our victories even if they are
the proof that everyone can help to save a dog by giving a little
To Whimzy...
