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Indiana Jones
JR (1993-2005)
My best friend... It was just after the World championship of Bern (Switzerland) , I gave me a challenge, I wanted to be able to produce the same quality of dogs I had seen there. Le life is well done, since only three months after, I met Viceroy, which was the son of the World winner of Bern, Oliver. I was fond of this dog, he was so beautiful, so perfect, he made me dream and just after I meet his son Viceroy. When Viceroy’s owners proposed me to buy one of his son, I didn’t hesitated. We went to take him in Spain, It was Junior, our National Juju. At the place’s appointment, we have wait few long hours, we thought he wouldn’t come, and we decided to come back to France without dog. I was disappointed. But finally, the breeder arrived. We talked a lot, and saw the pup. I was not in love. He was slim, sickly and had the ear like a drop. He was very timid et not very well in his skin. But I wanted a little son of the World winner then I took him. Junior was a very difficult dog to grow and educate. He didn’t want to eat, was very sad, and was a very good friend of the vet. He was always wrong in his mind and was very nonchalant. It was very discouraging, and his ears always down… I was frustrated, I dreamed of a show dog and finally I had a poor thing who was eating with a tee spoon. Lloyd Cole who had the same age, looked at his friend curiously, he was disconcerted by this dog who was always fragile… However, Lloyd Cole was his best friend, they were always playing during longs hours together. At eight months, a lot of things changed. Lloyd Cole or Junior, we had to choose. The best friends were very violent together then we decided their friendship was finish. At ten month, Junior became a prick ears, finally. I decided to marry him with Garance. Another problem, he was not interested. My friend Brigitte helped him. He had two pups, and the beautiful Nouckia is born. I think it was a pawl in Junior’s head, his daughter…he watched her with a lot of attention, he was like a baby a front of her, he was fond of her. Then he stated to do like her. He started to eat, to play, to live…Junior is my male. We have an enclose relation with him, very strong, very beautiful. It’s my lover. The mother’s “Juju” as I used to call him. He hated shows but he has had a nice career, of course if he would like shows, I should be more pleased but I stop showing my dog because I decided to listen him. He is marvelous with a sensational coat, a really beautiful dog. I’m very proud of him. Junior like to be at home, quiet, without noises, he like his habits…junior is very often in the Canine Magazine. It’s our mascot. A wonderful dog like I wished or almost… Now I prefer his father for shows, who came to live with us in 2000, after a bad story… Viceroy is more showy and he is very spontaneous. But don’t worry, Junior is always my prefer, he makes my heart beat, it’s my son… He spent a lovely life here, he become old, I cut a little bit his coat, it’s more easy for him, his ears become white and his coat becomes gray but he is al right. For him, shows are definitely finish. But he has a lot of work at home, you know, a lot of kisses to his mistresses, to keep the neighbor’s dog far of his propriety, to garden, play the macho near the bitches, and to tell her some love’s story, what do you imagine? It needs a long time to do all these things. A little part of The Vallées Engissoises ‘s life. Junior is 8 years and ½ but I couldn’t imagine the life without him and wish to keep him a long, long time near me… 2005 : He has been surely one of my most beautiful love story ... One of the most beautiful fight for the life ... Junior "Juju" for friends, the one we used to call the mascott of our Kennel "Les Vallées Engissoises" rejoned his daughter Nouckia on the raimbow bridge, this Monday the 10 of July, he was only 11 years old. He was very famous in France because he did some lovely photos for few French dog magazines, fixed for ever by our friend Thierry GAUZARGUES, we'll never forget him ... Even if, he let in our heart a big pain, aot of sadness, a lot of ditress ... We wanted to tell him in these few words, as a winck, that never we'll forgot him. He was my best friend, my son, my confident ... Life will seem very different without him, now. I won't have anymore my morning cuddle. I won't heard another time its typical grumbles which told me to be nicer with him or simply to be more with him ... I won't see anymore my kid running and barking full of joy in the garden. Junior was all these things, a sun ray is died this morning ... But he wouldn't appreciate to see me so sad, he was so happy to live, then for him, we'll try to be as strong as possible ... Bye bye my love, my son, be happy and take care or the oother friends up there ... We miss you so much ... Your Nathalie 14/04/08
: To live without
him, now
(pedigree on simple request)