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This web site retraces the story, everyday life and the emotion ups and downs of our kennel, “ Les Vallées Engissoises”, or the story of a life dedicated to a great and real passion, beautiful and rich : that of the Skye terrier. The story of a thunderbolt; a marvelously curious dog whom we met in the house of unknown people. Created in 1989, after this thunderbolt for this marvelous creature, and still present 15 years after. We tried throw this few pages to explain our life and passion. We wanted show you each of our dogs between a little part of their personal story. The name of Vallées Engissoises has been chosen in memory of a little village, a small village where everybody knows everybody. I have my best child’s memory there, I spent all my holidays and a part of my youth. : ENGIS (Belgium).
Between Huy and Liege, in the south of Belgium, a very typical place, very beautiful and very wild, with big red mountains, and a lot of big prairies. The place who sleeps my Grand’mother for the eternity. The person who was the most important in my life, a sort of mother… She has been always there to encourage me, follow me and trusted me.. She was the origin of my strength necessary to created a kennel like mine. Léa was a very important woman for me, she was a wonderful person and in her memory, I chose our name’s town to call my kennel. The kennel of The Vallées Engissoises is an amateur kennel, we never hope win money, the sell of our dog comes only to help us to care our dog’s group. It’s our mentality, we think dogs are not there to pay our holidays or a new television… They are only in our life to be loved and to bring you a fantastic happiness. If later, we think different, it will be time to stop breeding because the word “passion” would have lost all his signification. But who is it? The Skye Terrier : a low dog long, long with a heart full of love. An atypical physique for an extraordinary uncommon person. The Terrier of the Isle Of Skye, a dog really sensational who won’t let you indifferent. The Vallées Engissoises is before all a team work, where each person has her importance. Everybody help the other, exchange his experience, his knowledge… A really nice friend story. The feeling of our kennel is based on a good ambiance, a good spirit between all the pets’s owners. Only few babies born each year in our kennel, because we want have time to chose the future parents et we want to have time to care our adult with all the attention they need, all the patience necessary to their equilibrium. The qualities essential for us are: Beauty, sociability, and health…20 years with very important meeting : 1° with our friends Allan and Peter (Mariquita kennel) who gave us two marvelous bitches : Maserati and Braveaddition (multi Champion), Braveaddition is the mother of few champions. Allan and Peter, are our partner and show some our dogs sometimes over sea. 2° With Thea and Rolf DAHLBOM (FINNSKY Kennel), breeders of our great Multi Champion FINNSKY Viceroy, the more titled dog actually living in France with nine titles of Champion valide, and the supreme distinction of elite reproductive. 3° and maybe the most important, with Valerie, our more precious friend… We don’t want forget all the others which are almost important in our life and success… If I have to do it again? We‘d do it again without hesitation even it this kind of the life has been hard, not always right with us and sad like each time we lose one of our dog. Le lost of one of them is always very hard to live, we are broken , because they bring with us a little part of our life, a full of memories, a part of our guide marks but… The story full of devotion for one breed, only one… We hope you had appreciated your visit and you’ll want to meet us one day to live with us our passion…