
Judge :

What a beautiful day… rich in emotions… How could we defy
the English
than to go
on their territory… Which
best method
we could test
than the one
we chose: show
our own Skyes
on the territory of their ancestors… We had a
big bowl in the stomach, and if we made a mistake? After all, which
of comparison
have we us on our territory? The few Skyes terriers that we met throughout the year? We want some emotions, it's true, but also we
want to have a look outside and wanted
an specialist opinion
about our dogs… Some different
opinions from those that we could have usually,
wanted to see a maximum of dogs and talk with real Passionate, people who want a
real exchange
between breeders... 64 Skyes registered, we had never competed with the same quantity
of dogs, not even the most important
world championship could
offer us so
many Skyes terriers engaged
at the same time!
A real challenge, a real fight where we are going with the solid
intention to win because even if we thought it was an illusion, A little bit
crazy, we hoped
to win, why
not? after all .... We had our dogs methodically selected according to their type, their morphologies, their
prestance in
a ring… Our choice went on Viceroy, of course, the "Grand
father", for which we wanted one of the last
rounds of honor for the glory because 12 years who can say what Tomorrow will be… His daughter Roxane, as it is for me, the most beautiful dog of the moment; Vici because we believe that
it was a
top dog even
if he was only
16 months; Superstar, which has also proved its great qualities becoming Multi Champion, very young; Régliss' who showed
during all his
carrer, in winning
many titles
of Champion,
its great qualities
and even if
its coat was
a little bit
poor, I still
believe in this
dog, definitively
the son of his father; Säshkä, our adopted daughter who is for us more than a superb bitch; And Margotte (Celtic Flash) early last, which although not a "Valleys Engissoises" is worthy of our daughter Maset ' (BOS CRUFT 2003)… We believe more than ever that it is actually easier to win world deserts
championships , easy expos where competition shines
by its absence and it is especially easy to win as judges that we meet every day. We wanted
really to see something different, to be judged by people who use
to judge many
Skyes in their
carrer, and therefore are able to learn, and that could proof
us that our
work for the
breed is good… That is why we went
to Cruft to
compete against
the great English
Skyes, borne
in the Skye
terriers ground, the
own solution
to progress...
Our day was long. We have submitted to the control of animal formalities before boarding. Last year, we were not able Board to participate in the Crufts because one of the documents was not done in good order. This
year we paid
attention but
anyway we were
very anxious,
it was a so
little things,
a paper but
it gives a
so important
Everything was very fast: Shuttle, the road on the territory English
and an entry to the exhibition at 6 o'clock in the morning. Nane (Trö Bel
Pour Vous) was also the voyage. I didn't
show her because it was not qualified but
my bitch, my
best friend
must be with
me to live this
great event... To
be qualified either the
dog has a title
of champion or
either the dog
has won brilliantly one of the twelve exhibitions across the globe.
Indeed, I decided
to bring her
as a dog visitor,
only for the
pleasure to
have my bitch
with me...
During the day Roy has been the attraction. Judges Americans
G. Zaphiris (winner of the group with his Skye Oliver in
Westminster), Sanders, and another came to see our Viceroy because they
had followed his career, its history and wanted to use it on their bitches.. My Roy approached to
be used on a bitch American, what I was proud… They were impressed by the dog, At the top of his twelve years,it
was still in
perfect condition.
The quality
was still present
even if the
dog was already
old and a little
bit tired sometimes.. Mr. Zaphiris called another Finnish
judge on the phone, Mrs K. SAENIO (Skyeline's), who also wanted to speak
about my dog I talked
her, myself by phone. A charming lady who told me that she had heard a lot about me, my work and congratulated me. She
explained me
that it was
important to
freeze Roy's
semence. That is what I will do very soon, So. It
was very exciting
to speak with
so important
people, me the
little Frenchy.
And it was
the own luck
for me to see
more far than
in my own country.
The hope to
be recognized
everywhere as
a good breeder...To
breed Skyes
Terriers n France
is so difficult.... Not twice and that is why I am going to seize it now… Then Otto Kraal (Skye'o'Mania) came also questioned by the American judges to give its opinion on Roy, he flashed a lot about our Roxane, and then it was the turn of R. Kanas (Flanagan) He was more
impressive by
our Vici, I
thought he preferred
the youngest
dog, Vici.... Hard, Hard the language barrier, but his
face's attitude showing
some admiration
made me understand that the "Tchiot" was
his taste, my faith… We had a long wait before they can enter on the
green ring,
source of so many emotions… This is the "Grand
father" who opened the dance. Judges Americans were there with their
videos and camera. I felt so proud that My dog, the one that I had saved from death six years earlier, which had been
criticized by the
other French
breeders. I knew, myself, when I saw it for the first time, my dog was a
king, a marvelous
dog show.... The judge was impressed by the prestance
of the veteran who at the top of his twelve years seemed to fly in the ring. He was so Graceful, majestic, far from these heavy
dogs without
elegance… An
serious and
complete exam.... A compliment on his intact young man
muscles, on his teeth preserved despite the Age, on its black coat
tinted silver per year and its opulent fur, by
his eyes embers so
full of life,
energy and happiness, and his Excellent
morphology… The walk: one
walk and its
return, the triangle, but even
if it was tired,
it was so proud
to walk with
me, so proud
to give me all
these emotions...We
finished the
exercise with
a position in
static, the
last one before
the victory. He had won, my man, my love, my baby had just won the class veteran of the CRUFTS… A long kiss, which allowed me to hide my face in his hairs
to hide that
I was crying,
yes, crying,
full of emotion,
full of happiness.
I felt my eyes full
of tires, I
knew that it
was no good
to let see the
emotion like
that but it
was too hard...: "You see my son, you
were the best,
they all know
that you are
the best in
despite of your
so tragic life,
, I love you, thank you…" When I
came out of
the Ring, Mr. G. Zaphiris took me
in his arms... "Thank you" he said "Thank you for this quality of service, it's really magic, it is a great dog, please…" Everything was very fast then. The Tchi returned. Go. my baby, be
the best… He seemed so young among the
others, 16 months it is still , my baby,
the Tchi'. He made me honor, however. I kept
him in my eyes… It was
great, sensational,
the best for
me, I was so
proud of him.... The competition was hard,
it was so young... The first was an excellent dog already more mature, despite his age, that my dog, he deserved his victory. It was beautiful.
The second,was not my style, but at the Crufts people are all fair plays, then..., one discusses, one commenting, it's so nice to be able to understand and share different points of view without any
fight… Then my two champion
sons entered. Régliss' and Superstar, my children, showed
by their owners very proud… They were also placed honorably, my kids… Roy came
back in r the Ring of Honor along with the winners of each class, a great moment… They
turned all together...
They had to
compete for the
CC and reserve
CC.. Unfortunately,
even if the
judge watched
it many times,
she preferred
to give the
two awards to
youngest dog...
Mine is too
old for a champion
carrer, now...
hard but true.... Margotte, the youngest daughter of Maset ', will be
second in its
class... The judge has watched many times
our Roxane, the
judge's commentaries
were absolutely
fantastic, it
has been appreciated but it
was in an enormous
class of 14 dogs, but the
judge need to make a choice, perhaps not her style? Maybe ...
and I also had already largely won what I had to win, it will be for next time. A
lot of people
came to me, of various nationalities,
they didn't
understand why
our Roxane was
not chosen… Our Säshkä finished
among the first
ones. Our small "Kakoune des
bois" also entered the sphere of the best dogs of the CRUFTS. Congratulations, my
little girl, she had defended its eight titles brilliantly … We even had requests for puppies on our Nane, which slept at the bottom of its cage - The
Breeder "Misting's" of
Finland would like a puppy of our beautiful blonde doll
but it won't reproduce until three years, we
promised to
stay in touch… We are left with memories full head… Thank you,
dear judges to share this dream, Thanks to our dogs real players of
this story,
Thanks to my friends, who, by their presence have enabled the breeding
of "Valleys Engissoises" to be the own representative of French Skyes
terriers to one of the most prestigious exhibitions in the world
and to be able to show off their round the result of hard Sixteen years work … Thanks to my husband and
best friend, Philippe, for his support and assistance everyday Thanks to Jordann, my best
dog "sitter" Thanks to my daughter, Maëva for his help… Because… without them nothing would have been possible…
I dedicate this beautiful day in my dog Whimzy which would have been
proud of her heart's friend, Roy and proud of her grandson
Vici… More than ever, I missed my dog. Particular during all this day,
her death has seemed the most horrible injustices of This world. So to you my beautiful Whimzy, I will dedicate this day, so that nobody forget
you either, in fact I'm
sure that you would have been in your place, you too, at the Crufts worry if life had left you,
time to be…
