Cicciolina, caprice de Star ...

aka "Chouchou"
or the story of a little bitch not like the others ...

Owner : Miss BARSE Valérie


 Not only sofa dogs, The "Vallées Engissoises" dogs haven't  lost  their origins, some real terriers well in their mind

The own Skye  Terriers in France working on small ground games or wild boars.

Beautifuls and goods in the same time !!!

Cicciolina is a little outstanding bitch. Besides she is the first daughter of our marvellous Vici and of our national "Jojo Potter" (Really Finnsky Joey), she is also a very volontary bitch , very independent who divide her life with a 13 years old friend and her owner, Valerie, that she loves enourmously ...

Valérie, her, is a charmingh young lady very pleasant, a little bit odd ... Even if she wanted to drive me happy by showing her little bitch, she wasn't really interested by all this  curious dog beauty show world or very occasionnally, only ...she, her, wanted an activity to allow to her little bitch to be the most happy as possible, an activity which allow her to work in playing, an activity to allow to the little bitch to do what she wanted to ... A very important meeting with a passionated people working with Cairn Terriers will give her the possibility to try a working dog carreer. A Skye who goes hunting ? and why not ?? The fur, the beauty, the apparence, are finally not more important than the happiness of a dog felt by a dog running after some ground games, small or big ! Cicciolina has benn entered for the first time for a trial on wild boar. A little Skye against a wild boar ? Dangerous ? No, le a real Skye, courageous and solid like a rock. I want to reassure the anxious : in contrary to a traditional hunt, no evil is done to the animals which run in free wooded parks and which, even if they are chased and held in respect by dogs, are neve put in danger, the judges watch it.

For her first trial , without having even been entailed previously, the little Cicciolina obtained 40 points. She would have been able to obtain more points if she had not left, as an arrow, in the other part of the park to find and to pursue the wild boars, outside the judge sightview... She is the first Skye in France ( If I'm wrong, I beg your pardon) to obtain some points in a working trial. The beauty and the quality in the same time. Let us remind that our littlke Cicciolina is also a Recommanded Approved Reproductive Bitch and also Young French Champion. The beginning f a long career ?? Certainly, because valerie, her owner, promised to continue in this way and I can only encourage her. Thanks to you, Valerie, to encourage my little girl on this way, whn I see the photos, I can only realized that this type of carrer is the own for this kind of dog !!! I can only delighted to have produced a bitch so clever .... Good luck to the you !!!.  

Many thanks to Emmanuelle LECLERCQ, to take  these marvellous photos during the trials of Miss Ciccio ...

 *Let we see the next time ... 40 points ??? Congratulations Ciccio, it's a good beggin !!! I'm proud of you ...


05/09 : Censy : Part of Hunt on wild boars !

A remarkable and noticed trial. Judges was impressed by this small flying bitch with  reflexes to be made go pale his ancestors. Not classified because Miss did not see the interest to bark after this big wild boar,  the next time she will !!!. And, according to the judges, if miss Ciccio repeats her day exploit with the voice moreover, she will be the first one Skye to obtain a CACT on wild boars. Congratulations, little Queen of woods,  we are all behind you!!!!

Photos E. LECLERCQ (copyright)

