
on Skye the
day after...
...The day after, we had to take back our return trip. I could not help but I
brought back
the sign announcing the show from the Isle of Skye. It will
be in a good
place prominently in my living room. memory of a pilgrimage Dream. We left this wonderful island, a heavy heart. But we came
back full of memories of this wonderful journey
And certainly the most beautiful: our future bitch, designed directly
on this island full of history and to be named well Kyleakin Surely! It only remains rained only pray that nature is sensitive to this gesture and this envy impregnating spiritual… it
was almost
the end of our
holidays and we had to think about returning, but we still had something important to do:
absolutely to
go to visit the Grand Grandpa "Greyfriars Bobby"… The only dog which
has his
statue at the entrance to a human cemetery, the tribute to the loyalty
of a dog to his owner… I wanted to take a picture of Roy just near this illustrious ancestor. Edinburgh opened our arms. We dreamed so
much about this
mythic statue
that it has appeared much
smaller than
in our imagination. But the cemetery was same as filmed by Walt Disney in his film "Greyfriars Bobby". A myth, a legend. A statue, a place, a tomb, a memorial… everything is named of the famous dog's
name… All Bobby's
lovers offered a tomb to the dog, its owner and its angel
guardian. People were fascinated by our seven Skyes having a
common air with the dog of the statue. We were filmed, photographed, interviewed, we were very
famous … and
I was so proud ! So proud that my Roy could have lived this
Our Scottland visit was now finished. My Roy, my idol, my star, made its
pilgrimage to the island of her ancestors, he landed next to the famous
Bobby. My great Roy, it was so important for me to do all this trip of memory
with you, I'll
keep all my
life our common
holidays....What in the world would not like such holidays?? Now? We are preparing for Skyes on Skye
2011 of course!!!!!!!
