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it's important to consider the question.... The Skye terrier is the most beautiful dog with its plush physical. It's also the most nice dog if it received the correct and serious education...On One Skye Terrier whom has not been well educated and followed as he must be, independently its origins, could become the most horrible compagnon. Your breeder will assume certainly his rescue if you decided to let your dog but you must know that it's very unpleasant to take back a "broken dog" by few years of bad education. he will be obliged to learn to your dog all the education's bases like for a puppy. But you must know that your breeder is a passionate person and it will be hard for him to forgive you not to call him when it wasn't completely lost for the dog. he won't forgive you your silence, he was ready to help you and you knew it... His experience should had been important to save your dog.. he will certainly hate you because your silence, your unknown, should had put his baby in danger, the one he loved so much and the one he gave you in trust..He will take back his baby but he won't forgive you this sad story and this sad experience for the dog. He will feel guilty of this situation..He will be mad and obsessed to have make a mistake when he chose you. .You must know that a good breeder will stay available each time you'll need his help, but you have to call him the most earlier as possible....the skye terrier must be educated with a metal hand in a velvet gauntlet. You will have to learn him all the base of a good education like for a child.... The education you'd given to your pup will decides which kind of adult it will become. The Skye terrier is a very sensitive dog and it never forgets.... If you are not just or not correct with him, he will be very vindictive. It will give everything to its owner but it will wait the maximum of him.. It will be exactly as you built him. It will be very important to be strict in your orders because it won't understand that something authorized today could be forbidden in the future. You must educate your dog little by little with intelligence and patience. we can't be limit when we own a terrier..it will give you all its hopes, all its life. He will be there when you will be sad, it will be here when all your friends will let you down. It will be still here when you'll be ugly and old, because it will always see you with the eyes of love. Then before to take a dog and before to live the most marvelous adventure in taking a Skye terrier, its important to be sure of your decision, be sure to have think at everything before and if you discover then that finally you are not ready to offer your life and your free time to a dog, then let your idea down. because when it will be there you'll have to give him your time and to make him happy before everything.. It's too easy to call somebody in rescue when it will be to late... Your breeder is not there to correct your mistakes, not there too to sacrifice his own life to take back the dog you've chosen, even for his pups he should be able to do the maximum...respect him and be proud of the trust proof he gave you when he sold you his puppy... "The dog's prayer... Today, I'm sweet because I'm like a plush. Today, I'm loved in your arms and I'm quiet. I leave my mum today. She loved me so much, she will be very sad when I'll leave her but she thinks that I'll happy., and I'll must be, then she is reasonable.... have a look to my breeder, he is so proud. he thought he has found the most perfect owner for me. He trusts you. He knows that he mustn't do an error because I can pay this one with my life. It's to you that he will give the responsibility ensure my happiness. He gives you the most important thing he has in his life: me, his baby... He will be discret and will respect your personal life but as he told you many times, he will stay at your disposal if you need some advices, he will be available all the nights and all the day for your call... You won't have any excuses if ou make a mistake. I'm going to eat every days, always at the same hour, some good dry food and it could be very expensive and it should be criminal to exchange hem for cheaper food, not good for my health. I'll need some vitamins, shampoos and a lot of other things for my well being... You'll have to buy me some toys, a lovely and confortable bed, a carpet and a lot of other things. It will cost you some money. You will have to take me to the vet every year for my vaccins. You'll have my pension if you don't want to take me during your holidays because your friends won't be there a long time and you can't ask them to spend their time for me, it's not their personal choice... And in Summer, on beaches, the sun is too hot and the sea water is not good for me and damage my Coat. Beatches are too hot for me in summertime, I don't like to eat some sand and to drink some sea water which damages my fur. The week ends will become very problematicals because it'snot always easy to go everywhere with a dog. Maybe, I'll become ill and you will have to take care of me and it can cost a lot of money. One day, I'll become an old dog and my bones will be painful, my eyes will become perhaps too old for me to see, I'll be perhaps a little bit dirty, I'll be less beautifully and perhaps, I won't play anymore with you as in the past, I'll be more grumpy, it will be a little bit unpleasant to live with me, you'll have to help me, you will be my youth. because me, all my life, I gave you all my life, all my love with no limit and I'll wait the same in return.... Then you my future owner, listen to my prayer...
Don't adopt me if you're not sure to keep me during all my long life....... Don't adopt me if you think that 15 years is worst than the hell... Don't adopt me if you are not ready to sacrifice your holidays if you don't have none to pay attention to me... Don't adopt me if you think that your week end are most important than my walks in woods and if you prefer to sleep more longer on Sundays than go for a walk early in the morning with me... Don't adopt me if you must count your money each time you must feed me... Don't adopt me if you prefer to wait to see if the nature will cures me to avoid you to go to the vet... Don't adopt me if you think that the vaccins are only a question of money for the vets... Don't adopt me if you see me only as a reproductor able to bring some money with my pups... Dont adopt me if you are not ready to take care of me when I'll be ill... Don't adopt me if when I'm ill I must be perfect and clean... Don't adopt me if you know that you won't pardon even my first error... Don't adopt me if you are not ready to accept to ear me barking and shouting when you let me alone during some long days... Don't adopt me if you don't have any time for me... Don't adopt me if you think that a dog must be a postal card without emotions and movements... Don't adopt me if you think that when you'll have your own child, I won't any place in your home... Don't adopt me if you think that an old dog is ashamed..." No really don't adopt me if you are not ready to change you freedom against the happiness I can bring to you. If you are not ready to spend sometime to make my education then I prefer to stay with my mother and my brothers and sisters to wait the owner ready to love me really without concession. The owner which will think that all the love I can give can cost a little sacrifice... Don't forget that us, the dogs, we are alive and we must be respected and we hope a long life of happiness. We don't want to be let down because we don't go anymore with the life you'd chosen..."
The Vallées Engissoises Kennel choses his owners in the dog interest. we don't need of our dog to bring us some money and avoid us a rich life. It's for this reason that the French Canine Society chose to give us the supreme distinction of selection breeders for our qualities, our serious and our capacities... We won't never pardon to the persons who let their dogs down and we prefer refuse to sell a dog if we are not sure that owners don't show all the guaranty to give to our pups the life they are in right to wait.... Saint Exupery said "When you saved a life, you are responsible of this life for the eternity". Breeders are responsables all the life of the pups they have make born.... and must stay available in case of the owner need an advice, an help... We take the engagement to find the perfect family they are looking for... For
my "son" Tchin Thin,
pardon for the
mistake I've
done when I
chose your future